In light of these figures, one could quickly assume that Country Email List performance marketing gobbles up well over 52% of marketing budgets . However, the truth is that marketers are quite divided on the effectiveness of performance marketing. Only 56% of Country Email List marketers consider actions emanating from performance marketing to be short-term. On the contrary, 96% of marketers agree that branding is indeed an instrument focused on obtaining long-term Country Email List results. From the point of view of Patrick Fischer,
Chief Business Officer of One football, Country Email List branding and performance marketing should not be seen as separate and even antithetical disciplines. “It is clear that the brand is the basis of everything. If the brand is not attractive, it doesn't really Country Email List make much sense to invest in performance marketing. This is the reason why good branding always translates into good performance », he emphasizes. On the other hand, 24% of marketers doubt the measurement (100% unambiguous) of the results that spring from the belly of performance marketing. In addition, 74% of Country Email List marketers see the processing and use of data as a major challenge.
And 54% also say they have problems Country Email List applying the data in their day-to-day work. These data are symptomatic, according to Sportive and Football, of the problems that not a few marketers are dealing with when dealing with the growing Country Email List complexity of the digital ecosystem. Here is the ranking that Rendition prepares each month and that includes the marketing blogs that have most won over readers based on four criteria: popularity, Country Email List quality, community and vitality. The list, a must-read for any marketing professional who wants to keep up to date with all the trends surrounding this sector,
In my business, I recently faced the need to rethink a brand fall. The blog post what is a brand strategy? was very helpful. I learned key aspects such as defining clarity, formulating a unique proposition, and creating a visual representation.
Inspired by the interest, I conducted market research and interviewed clients to understand their brand. Based on the data we shared, we updated the logo and redesigned the website, which significantly increased brand awareness.